Hackers Root Out Flaws in Voting Machines

Defcon hack-a-thon conference aims to help test election security, but makers of voting equipment raise doubts

LAS VEGAS—Hackers at the Defcon computer security conference believe they can help prevent manipulation of U.S. elections. Some election officials and makers of voting machines aren’t so sure.

That tension was front and center at Defcon’s second-annual Voting Village, where  READ MORE:  https://www.wsj.com/articles/tensions-flare-as-hackers-root-out-flaws-in-voting-machines-1534078801

Voting Machines Used In 18 States Can Be Hacked In Under Two Minutes

Voting Machines Used In 18 States Can Be Hacked In Under Two Minutes (hooktube.com)

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Report: 5.7 Million Noncitizens Voted In 2008 (illegalaliencrimereport.com)

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U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults. A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud .(investors.com)

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